Robust Deep 3-D Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Structural Priors



Deep learning has enabled significant improvements in the accuracy of 3-D blood vessel segmentation. Open challenges remain in scenarios where labeled 3-D segmentation maps for training are severely limited, as is often the case in practice, and in ensuring robustness to noise. Inspired by the observation that 3-D vessel structures project onto 2-D image slices with informative and unique edge profiles, we propose a novel deep 3-D vessel segmentation network guided by edge profiles. Our network architecture comprises a shared encoder and two decoders that learn segmentation maps and edge profiles jointly. 3-D context is mined in both the segmentation and edge prediction branches by employing bidirectional convolutional long-short term memory (BCLSTM) modules. 3-D features from the two branches are concatenated to facilitate learning of the segmentation map. As a key contribution, we introduce new regularization terms that: a) capture the local homogeneity of 3-D blood vessel volumes in the presence of biomarkers; and b) ensure performance robustness to domain-specific noise by suppressing false positive responses. Experiments on benchmark datasets with ground truth labels reveal that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on standard measures such as DICE overlap and mean Intersection-over-Union. The performance gains of our method are even more pronounced when training is limited. Furthermore, the computational cost of our network inference is among the lowest compared with state-of-the-art.


Network Structure

Loss Function

Classification Loss:

Domain Specific Regularization:

1. Data Adaptive Noise Robustness:

2. Local Homogeneity:

Experimental Results


The code, you can find it in [this Github repository].

Any feedback is welcome.

Related Publications

  1. X Li, R Bala, V Monga, "Structural Prior Models for 3-D Deep Vessel Segmentation", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2022. [IEEE Xplore]

  2. X Li, R Bala, V Monga, "Robust Deep 3-D Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Structural Priors", in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2022. [IEEE Xplore]

Selected References

  1. H Cui, X Liu, N Huang, "Pulmonary vessel segmentation based on orthogonal fused U-Net++ of chest CT images", in International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2019. [IEEE Xplore]

  2. O. Çiçek, A. Abdulkadir, S. S. Lienkamp, T. Brox, and O. Ronneberger, "3D U-Net: Learning dense volumetric segmentation from sparse annotation", in International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 2016. [IEEE Xplore]


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