Modern Imaging Science

Convex Optimization Methods in Imaging Science

A handbook by Dr. Vishal Monga

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Discusses recent developments in imaging science and provides tools for solving image processing and computer vision problems using convex optimization methods.

This book covers recent advances in image processing and imaging sciences from an optimization viewpoint, especially convex optimization with the goal of designing tractable algorithms. Throughout the handbook, the authors introduce topics on the most key aspects of image acquisition and processing that are based on the formulation and solution of novel optimization problems. The first part includes a review of the mathematical methods and foundations required, and covers topics in image quality optimization and assessment. The second part of the book discusses concepts in image formation and capture from color imaging to radar and multispectral imaging. The third part focuses on sparsity constrained optimization in image processing and vision and includes inverse problems such as image restoration and de-noising, image classification and recognition and learning-based problems pertinent to image understanding. Throughout, convex optimization techniques are shown to be a critically important mathematical tool for imaging science problems and applied extensively.

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Monga, Vishal

Optimizing Image Quality

Wang, Zhou et al.( Univ. Waterloo)

Computational Color Imaging

Bala, Raja et al.(PARC)

Optimization Methods for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging

Yazici, Birsen et al. (RPI)

Computational Spectral and Ultrafast Imaging via Convex Optimization

Kamalabadi, Farzad et al. (UIUC)

Discriminative Sparse Representations

Patel, Vishal et al.(Rutgers)

Sparsity Based Nonlocal Image Restoration: An Alternating Optimization Approach

Li, Xin (WVU)

Sparsity Constrained Estimation in Image Processing and Computer Vision

Monga, Vishal et al.(Penn State)

Optimization Problems Associated with Manifold-Valued Curves with Applications in Computer Vision

Turaga, Pavan et al. (Arizona State Univ.)

Handbook Editor

Dr. Vishal Monga

Adviser of

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